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child custody tips for during and after divorce

Child custody is one of the most difficult elements of a divorce. Who gets custody of the kids? What do you do about visitation and holidays? How can you get through this aspect of the divorce without everyone coming unwound? This blog contains information and tips about child custody arrangements during and after a divorce and advice about what your attorney can do for you. It is my hope that my personal experience of going through a divorce and having custody arrangements made and altered a few different times will help you get through the process a little easier than I did.

Can You Be Arrested For Driving For A Ride Share?

4 March 2016
 Categories: , Blog

Ride share apps have been making the news as a more convenient, safer alternatives to taxis. Unfortunately for the drivers, many local governments haven't taken kindly to the explosion of these apps and have been doing everything they can to stop them. Here's what you need to know about the law before you decide if ride sharing is right for you. Can You Actually Be Arrested? Some cities actually are arresting drivers who drive for popular ride share apps. Read More …

4 Necessary Things To Do When You Don’t Want A Divorce But Your Mate Does

15 February 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If your mate blindsided you with a demand to divorce, you may be confused and heartbroken. However, there are four things you need to do promptly to protect yourself and your interests even if there is a chance of reconciliation. Doing these things will give you a sense of power, get your mind on a constructive activity, and help you have a more secure future. Get Your Financial Affairs in Order and Hire An Attorney Read More …