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child custody tips for during and after divorce

Child custody is one of the most difficult elements of a divorce. Who gets custody of the kids? What do you do about visitation and holidays? How can you get through this aspect of the divorce without everyone coming unwound? This blog contains information and tips about child custody arrangements during and after a divorce and advice about what your attorney can do for you. It is my hope that my personal experience of going through a divorce and having custody arrangements made and altered a few different times will help you get through the process a little easier than I did.

Hiring An Attorney To Help You Navigate Through A Divorce

20 January 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Hiring an attorney for a divorce does not mean that you are out to make it the divorce harder, but with the legal system being as complicated as it is, there are things you will need help with. Hiring an attorney makes it easier to get through the process and protect both parties as well as any children involved.  Divorce Options When you decide to get a divorce, there are some things to consider. Read More …

When Is It Time To Call A Family Law Attorney?

30 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Working with a family lawyer on any type of matter can seem like a major step to consider, but there are many situations where it is either not a significant escalation or it will be a good step to take toward protecting your rights. Family law attorneys deal with concerns ranging from the mundane, such as legally changing a stepchild's name, to the contentious, including classic problems like divorce. It's a good idea to know when it might be appropriate to have one involved in a case. Read More …

Reasons To Hire A Reputable Lawyer In A Child Support Case

10 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Did you give birth as a single mom? Or has your relationship status changed since you had your child? If so, its your obligation to protect your child and seek out monetary support for care if you wish to do so. If you don't have a child support case established already, you'll need to make arrangements with the court so a case can be generated. While you can file for child support at anytime with the courts, its recommended to retain counsel so that your rights are protected. Read More …

Avoiding Visitation Problems During The Holidays: What You Can Do

4 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Custody agreements are in place for a reason: to avoid disagreements and extra drama that can have a negative effect on your child or children. During the holidays, things may get a bit hairy when both parents want to see their child and spend time as a family. To help prevent an issue with your visitation, read on for some helpful tips. Follow The Visitation Schedule The visitation schedule in important to follow to avoid confusion and drama. Read More …

Why It Could Be A Bad Idea To Represent Yourself In A Divorce

28 June 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If you have come to the conclusion that you and your spouse are heading to divorce court, you will most likely find that there are a lot of things that need to be settled. You might be worried about the cost of it all and consider representing yourself in court in order to help save some money. However, that is rarely a good idea. To help you understand why representing yourself in your own divorce cause could be trouble, you will want to keep reading. Read More …